how to promote your business locally

6 Ways To Advertise On The Cheap

advertise on the cheap

When first starting and even after managing your small business for quite some time, you want to find ways to advertise that fits within your budget. And in a lot of cases, the budget requires cheap. But advertising is an all-important facet of your business and we all know that cheap is often equated to garbage. I mean, wouldn’t you rather pay $100 to get 4 customers than pay $10 to get 0 customers?

But there are ways to advertise on the cheap effectively. Let’s look at 6 ways to do so.

Advertise On The Cheap #1: Blog

It works for me and it can work for you. By blogging in your niche area and sharing your knowledge and expertise, Your readers will want more.

It is as simple as creating consistent and high quality blog articles and adding one call to action somewhere within that post.

Speaking of that, sign up here to get the free training course, 7 Days To Profitability.

Advertise On The Cheap #2: Create YouTube Videos

Often overlooked, videos are a great way to educate and advertise. You can create a video that gives the viewer tips, or just show them a behind the scenes view of your business.

You then lead the viewer to your website and even ask them to subscribe to keep up with your video channel.

I have used this method with great success.

Advertise On The Cheap #3: Join Social Groups

In Facebook, Linkedin and Google+, there are groups and communities you can join within your area of expertise. Using a “non-sales” approach, you can share your knowledge in these groups which can then lead the reader to your website, business social page or some other page that will guide them further through your sales funnel.

It costs nothing to request entrance into these groups. Just be sure to read the group regulations and follow the protocol.

See these too:

Advertise On The Cheap #4: Create A Customer Referral Program

In this entrepreneur’s opinion, the best advertising there is comes from word of mouth. When one friend or family member tells another about the fantastic deal they received, the odds of a new customer are tremendous.

So it just makes sense to propagate word of mouth advertising!

Create a referral program where those who bring in new customers receive percentage off or even something for free.

Advertise On The Cheap #5: Facebook Ads


While not free, if managed correctly, Facebook advertising can be cost effective and generate a healthy ROI (Return On Investment).

I suggest testing ads and seeing the response. You can do so for $10-$20. What is great about Facebook advertising is the ability to put your ad in front of the demographics you know are the primary consumers of your product or service.

Advertise On The Cheap #6: Partner Up With Complimentary Small Businesses

No matter your business, there is probably other businesses that compliment yours.

  • Laundromat – Dry cleaner
  • Shoe store – Sock maker
  • Nutrition business – Gym
  • Etc…

So it just makes sense that you approach other complimentary entrepreneurs about advertising in each others business and referring customers to each other.


Use your creative side and you can discover many ways to make your business and brand known without spending a lot of money.

Make sure and keep coming back to my blog as I will “touch” on this subject more in the future.

Also, another thing… For a limited time, I am offering a discounted access to the 3 tool in 1 Home Business Success Kit… Learn more by clicking here.

Have a great day!

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Eric Tippetts

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