mlm recruiting

MLM Recruiting Secret – “Striplining”. How The Pro’s Sell

“Striplining” is a fisherman’s term… it is the difference between a Pro Fisherman and Amateur Fisherman.

This technique is also used as an MLM recruiting strategy. It is the difference between you pushing people away from your business, and having them chase you down to join!

This is one of the most powerful technique’s I teach…this will change your MLM Recruiting results!

The key concept is “posturing” with your prospect.  You need to get in the right mindset as you are approaching prospects that you have something your prospect needs, wants, and desires.  If you don’t believe this with 100% commitment, you will come across un-certain.  Un-Certainty is the #1 killer of Network Marketers.

That is why I built the Rocket Recruiting App.  I wanted to give you an instant, easy way to open up the door to “why” a prospect needs a home business or they are losing money every month on each paycheck, then quantify an estimation for your prospect.

This way it gives you the power.  You have the information your prospect desires….how to keep more of their hard earned money on each paycheck…and you hold the keys.

Second, I see so many people get into some kind of Home Business with the expectations of instant success and returns.

Remember, building a business takes time and commitment.

One commitment is staying in the game and growing a thick skin to handle the word “NO”.

Here is the Truth about prospecting and how quickly people give up.

Print this and commit to yourself to BEAT these odds!

You Are As Good As You Believe You Are!

                     The Truth

80% of all sales are made after the fifth call

48% of all salespeople make one call and quit

25% of all salespeople call twice and quit

17% of all salespeople call three times and quit

10% of all salespeople keep calling

 80% of all sales are made by 10% of all salespeople

Which Are You? The 80% that Quit or the 10% that Commit to Success!!

This is the main reason I built the Rocket Recruiting App for Network Marketers.  I wanted to shift the mindset from “selling” to “giving” with a lending hand by showing money that your prospect could be losing and you have the solution to help them start keeping their hard earned money.

Go make a positive difference in someone’s life today!

So much love,


A Weird Fishing Concept That Will Explode Your MLM Recruiting


“Strip Lining”!  This One Technique Will Explode Your MLM Recruiting!

“Strip lining” is a fisherman’s term… it is the difference between a Pro Fisherman and an Amateur Fisherman.

This technique is also used as an MLM recruiting strategy. It can be the difference between you pushing people away from your business, and having them chase you down to join!

This is one of the most powerful technique’s I teach.

The key is “posturing” with your prospect.  You need to get in the right mindset as you are approaching prospects that you have something your prospect needs, want, and desires.  If you don’t believe this with 100% commitment, you will come across un-certain.

Un-Certainty is the #1 killer of Network Marketers.

Rocket Recruiting version 2.0

This is why I built the Rocket Recruiting App.

I wanted to give you an instant, easy way to open up the door to “why” a prospect needs a home business or they are losing money every month on each paycheck, then quantify an estimation of what they are losing for your prospect.

This way it gives you the power.  You have the information your prospect desires….how to keep more of their hard earned money on each paycheck…and you hold the keys.

Second, I see so many people get into some kind of Home Business with the expectations of instant success and returns.

Remember, building a business takes time and commitment.
One commitment is staying in the game and growing a thick skin to handle the word “NO”.
Here is the Truth about prospecting and how quickly people give up.
Print this and commit to yourself to BEAT these odds!
You Are As Good As You Believe You Are!

                         The Truth

80% of all sales are made after the fifth call
48% of all salespeople make one call and quit
25% of all salespeople call twice and quit
17% of all salespeople call three times and quit
10% of all salespeople keep calling
 80% of all sales are made by 10% of all salespeople

Which Are You? The 80% that Quit or the 10% that Commit to Success!!
This is the main reason I built the Rocket Recruiting App for Network Marketers.  I wanted to shift the mindset from “selling” to “giving” with a lending hand by showing money that your prospect could be losing and you have the solution to help them start keeping their hard earned money.

Remember the striplining concept when prospecting along with providing value upfront using the Rocket Recruiting System to increase recruiting!

Go make a positive difference in someone’s life today!

So much love,



P.S.  Get a Free Copy of my book, “To The Top” while supplies last.  Just pay S&H.  This is my gift to you.  Enjoy!

Click Here:

Only 3 Emotions that Cause People To Buy. Tap the Right One, You Win!

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There are only 3 “triggers” that will cause someone to buy:

1. Pain

2. Gain

3. Fear

The key is tapping into one or more of these key “emotions” or “triggers”. If you don’t…no one is taking any action.

The challenge is 97% of the Network Marketing always try to “sell” on the gain emotion. Money, Dreams, Cars, recognition, etc…
This is the LEAST motivating for the long term…let me explain. I can get someone excited to buy as I have them in an emotional state of all the wonderful things they are going to get by joining my business…but as we all know, it takes time to build a business and what emotion kicks in when they get their first “no”?

Fear…right? “oh, my gosh this is going to be harder than I thought”….Wow, can I really succeed?…What if I fail?…Did I make the right decisions?….Can I get my money back?…etc….

Just remember this one simple fact: “People Buy Emotionally, BUT, They Justify Factually”. Meaning, unless it makes me money or provides some kind of return that is tangible, people will go into a fear state of mind and cancel…that is why the Network Marketing profession is a revolving door for many companies because they focus so much on the product and giving a new Distributor “sales material” and “product” and say “great job…now go out and build your business” but not giving the new distributor any tools to run, oh yeah, the BUSINESS….THIS IS A BUSINESS, IF YOU RUN IT LIKE A BUSINESS, IT WILL PAY YOU LIKE A BUSINESS…unless you are just a consumer of the product.

That is why I teach, Fear is a much greater motivator….go create some! One of the biggest fears is losing my MONEY!

So, if I can show you that everyday you go work your 9-5 job and lose approx. $300-$500/month in taxes by not having a home business….I have now shifted the power from the buyer to me, the seller. Everyone will want to know how to KEEP $300-$500/month immediately but you will always hit the “money obstacle” when you ask them to SPEND $300-500 to join your business.

Most people are not sales reps, networkers, outgoing….you need to quickly show them how to stop selling and start helping others get a raise in their 9-5 job by joining your business…this gives them a way to be profitable month 1 and keep them in the business long enough to learn the ropes, comp plan, and talking product with others. Remember, Network Marketing/Direct Sales is a profession of duplication and unless you can give your team a “non-threatening” and without any reputational risk to introduce to their network, you will find yourself constantly pumping up the balloon that keeps deflating!

If you are interested in learning more ways to flip the “typical” recruiting methods upside down. Connect up with me on Facebook, Twitter, or visit my site,

Good luck!


“StripLining”! This One Technique Will Explode Your MLM Recruiting!

“Strip Lining”!  This One Technique Will Explode Your MLM Recruiting!

“Strip lining” is a fisherman’s term… it is the difference between a Pro Fisherman and an Amateur Fisherman.

This technique is also used as an MLM recruiting strategy. And it means the difference between you pushing people away from your business, and having them chase you down to join!

This is one of the most powerful technique’s I teach, enjoy!

Kind regards,

@erictippetts (twitter)

If you can see it. You can BE it! Mindset is #1 to succeeding in a Network Marketing Business

I am going to have a lot more to come on the “mindset” of a winner and how it equates to money. Most of us don’t realize the limiting beliefs we have that are holding us back in accomplishing all the things in life that truly are possible. Nothing is “impossible”…the word itself says “I’m Possible”. More to come on this subject.
Have a great day!

Don’t miss Eric Tippetts on the Cash Flow Show Radio.

“How To Recruit By Leading With The Tax Savings”
Eric Tippetts, President of the “Ignite your Earning Power”

Wed. August 8th @ 5 PM PST | 8 PM EST Time
Live Worldwide!

Don’t miss this show! I am really excited about this topic and our speaker, Eric Tippetts!

A recruiting technique so simple
that you will be an expert at sharing the “2 Income – 1 Effort” benefit of direct sales by the end of the show!!

Eric Tippetts helps entrepreneur’s quickly become profitable. He has appeared on numerous TV Shows including Good Things Utah, Fox Business News, ESPN, ABC, NBC, CBS, and many more. READ More!

We have a REALLY cool announcement to go with the topic that will revolutionize your business!!

Listen worldwide August 8th – 5 PM PST | 8 PM EST:

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