social media marketing

7 Tips For Efficient Social Media Marketing – Social Media 101

Get out your notepads!

You have now entered Social Media 101 with your professor, Eric Tippetts.

Today, I am going to give you 7 tips for efficient social media marketing. These tips have worked for me and many others, so you do not have to make the same mistakes. You can start social media marketing in a professional way.

Social Media 101 Tip #1: Make Sure Your Profile Images Are Optimized

It is important that you review the images you use as profile pictures and cover photos. Use high resolution images that are sized down to the appropriate size for the social sites you are using.

Just consider this: if potential customers see an unprofessional image, they will assume you run an unprofessional company.

Social Media 101 Tip #2: Know Your Primary Audience

You want to create a customer persona. Research your current and past customers to determine the main attributes. You then look at the problems that your product or service can solve that fits with the customer persona.

By knowing this, you can develop marketing strategies that are solving your persona’s problems and attracting them to your business.

Social Media 101 Tip #3: Be There

Now I am not saying you need to just hang out on Facebook, Twitter, or any of the other social sites all day long. As a matter of fact, you can set up automatic notifications when a person comments, asks a question or “likes” your page.

You do want to answer questions, or respond to questions as promptly as possible. A message of thanks for the like is always well received too.

Social Media 101 Tip #4: Consistency

Marketers who are consistent on social media have the most success. It is wise to develop a consistent posting pattern so your followers no when to expect your valuable information.

It is similar to “brick and mortar” businesses opening and closing at consistent times.

Social Media 101 Tip #5: Use Various Post Formats

It is always good to keep your followers excited, waiting to see what comes next. One of the best ways to do this is by using various post formats. They could be:

  • A simple link with text
  • A post with no links
  • Images
  • Videos
  • Podcasts
  • Live
  • Etc…

Social Media 101 Tip #6: Be Selective On What Social Sites You Use

I think every marketer is probably guilty of it… Trying to use too many social media sites. What happens when we do this is, we get overwhelmed and cannot keep up.

I suggest having 2 or 3 business social sites and manage them with precision.

The only way I would agree with more is if you have a great team that will manage them for you.

Social Media 101 Tip #7: Linkedin Is A Must

Okay, in #6, I mentioned you should only use 2 or 3 social sites. And I believe Linkedin is an absolute MUST!


Linkedin is the business social site and by being there, you are building a solid reputation. Personally, if I am checking out a business, one of the first places I will look is Linkedin. And I believe many other people do the same.

We expect outstanding businesses, both big and small to have a Linkedin profile.

Social Media 101 Conclusion

I challenge you to get out and use these tips.

While there are many other ways to market, social media has become one of the most cost effective methods. And if done properly, social media marketing can be extremely profitable. If done improperly, it can harm your business.

So let’s hear your thoughts. You can post comments and questions below.

As an added plus, you need to check out the Home Business Success Kit. 3 Tools in 1 to drive more revenues into your home based business. Check it out here.

Stay tuned for more upcoming tips to help drive your business…

To The Top!

eric tippets

Don’t Make Any Of These 10 Mistakes On Linkedin

While the majority of users consider Facebook the fun social site where you can somewhat be carefree, Linkedin is the professional network where entrepreneurs, professionals and job seekers intermingle. Some of what is done on Facebook could be deemed as professional mistakes on Linkedin.

Now as an entrepreneur, I believe you should follow the same professional etiquette on all social networks but if you absolutely must act foolish from time to time, I suggest that you leave out your Linkedin page for those antics.

No matter where you are in the professional world, I know you will be thankful you read this post and were forewarned about these 10 mistakes on Linkedin that could damage your reputation.

Mistakes On Linkedin #1: Typos

Linkedin does not have spell check, so take a close look at what you are writing. Yes, it probably will still happen, but having embarrassing typos like their when it should have been there can bring an attack from the University English professor.

Mistakes On Linkedin #2: No Photo Or A Terrible Photo

Make sure you have a photo… A good photo. Remember that Linkedin is professional, so make it a professional head shot. You may even consider in investing in a good shot.

Mistakes On Linkedin #3: No Past Experience

One of the primary items that others will examine when deciding to network with you is your past business or work experience. Do not neglect adding this information.

Mistakes On Linkedin #4: Your Title

If you are the CEO of (your business), put that. If you are the janitor, you may want to put something like The Leader of Clean.

Make sure your title is not boring and you will grab the attention of other professionals.

Mistakes On Linkedin #5: Spamming Other Linkedin Users With Your Business Opportunity

If you really want to damage your professional reputation quickly, just commit this major Linkedin mistake.

Sure, share your blog posts on your feed or in Linkedin groups that allow, but don’t “puke” your business proposition on people who have not requested it.

If a person requests info from you, you have the go-ahead… But only then.

Mistakes On Linkedin #6: Not Joining Groups

Being a member of a few groups that directly relate to your talents, business format or expertise is a great way to build your professional demeanor at Linkedin.

And do share in those groups. Believe me, you will meet some great contacts in, and through Linkedin groups.

Mistakes On Linkedin #7: Not Connecting With Influencers

It does help to follow and connect with influencers in your industry. By doing so, posts they share will come up on your feed and keep you aware of news. Items you share will often be liked and possibly shared by those influencers which will build your influence.

Mistakes On Linkedin #8: Posting Like You Do On Facebook

Keep in mind that posts on Linkedin need to be business, work or of a professional nature.

Really now, do you think the followers on Linkedin want to see your new litter of kittens? Or the roast beef and mashed potatoes you had for dinner?

Keep it professional!

Mistakes On Linkedin #9: Only Sharing Your Material

Yes, you have a great blog with a lot of educational material, but if all you are sharing is your blog posts, you still look like a spammer.

Mix in other material from other sources and you will be considered “well-rounded.”

Mistakes On Linkedin #10: Posting Negative Material Or Comments

The majority of Linkedin users do not want to associate with Nancy The Nag or Negative Norman.

Linkedin is not the place to post negative material and if you feel you must criticize, don’t do so publicly.

Linkedin is meant to be a positive zone.


There are right and wrong ways to use social media to build your business connections.

I know that many network marketers have the idea they can just join Linkedin and start recruiting people on their team. Yes, Linkedin is a great recruiting tool, but only if used properly.

If you want the bet recruiting tool, I suggest you invest in Rocket Recruiting. It gives you the ability to recruit a monstrous team. You can get Rocket Recruiting here.

Thanks for stopping by today.

I hope this helped you understand how to make Linkedin a great social site for your professional makeup.

If you have any questions, just post them below.

To The Top!

eric tippets

Do Not Make Any Of These 7 Marketing Mistakes

As entrepreneurs, we are taught that mistakes and failures are a part of the learning and growing process.

But I do believe that if you can learn from other people’s mistakes without having to commit them yourself, you are 1 step closer to success.

Besides, some mistakes can damage your business for a long period of time. The majority of mistakes that fall into that category are within the marketing phase.

Some examples that immediately come to mind are:

  • The U.S. and Ghana were against each other in the World Cup. Delta Airlines wanted to recognize each team and posted images of the Statue of Liberty and a giraffe. The problem is: there are no giraffes in Ghana.
  • Or when Pepsi expanded into China they used the slogan: Pepsi Brings You Back To Life. That doesn’t seem bad but when translated it says: Pepsi Brings Your Ancestors Out Of Their Graves.

In today’s post, I am going to share with you 7 marketing mistakes you DO NOT want to make.

Marketing Mistake #1: Targeting Everyone

If you are attempting to market to everyone, you are usually marketing to nobody. The fact is, you have to send a message to a certain target group in your marketing efforts. If you are trying to reach everyone with that message, it will be to generic and dull. No one will remember it.

Marketing Mistake #2: Giving Up On Marketing Campaigns Too Early

All marketing efforts will take some time to see results. Do not get caught in the thought that immediate magic will happen. You need to give it a chance. Yes, there may be costs involved, so make sure you have a budget large enough to rum the campaign at least 3 months.

Marketing Mistake #3: Too Many Marketing Chiefs

Having too many people involved in the marketing decisions can turn your marketing efforts into a chaotic mess. It is best to keep all marketing decisions to just a few key people.

Marketing Mistake #4: Focusing On You Instead Of The Customer

While it may be okay to tell how you or you business won an award, the focus always needs to shift back to the customer and the problems you are solving for them.

Yes you won an award… For solving ? issues and making life better for a certain group of people.

Marketing Mistake #5: Too Much Social Media Presence

Some entrepreneurs assume they should immediately create brand pages at every social media location.

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Linkedin
  • Instagram
  • Google +
  • Etc…

It isn’t bad if you can manage those pages, but the issue usually entails not enough time and help to do so. If you are not regularly posting, followers will lose trust and will assume that if you cannot keep pace with your social media, how will you provide good customer service.

I suggest picking one social site and getting complete control of it before starting another.

Marketing Mistake #6: Not Having A Website

Statistics show that nearly 60% of consumers search online for their needs before they visit any store. That even includes local.

The investment into a website just makes good business sense. I would also add that having a blog and educating consumers on related topics will also help you grow into a trusted brand.

Use content to create a buzz and add a call to action and watch your sales grow.

Marketing Mistake #7: Not Networking

Some of you may ask, “What does networking have to do with marketing?”

More than you realize!

Hub-bubbing with other professionals in similar areas will create a system where they will refer you to their clients and you can refer them to your customers.

It does pay to attend trade shows, seminars and other events and get to know other like-minded entrepreneurs.

Don’t make the mistakes

Marketing is one of your most important areas and if you make a mistake, it CAN cost you dearly. Always step into the eyes and ears of the consumer and use empathy before you run that marketing campaign.

My goal is to help all entrepreneurs find their successful path. I hope this post helps you understand why marketing is so important.

To help you further, I want to offer you a free copy of my book, To The Top! It is a guide to creating prosperity to have a successful business and a wonderful life. Just click here and get your copy today.

If you have any questions about this topic or any feedback on today’s post, just leave your comment below.

Thank you for visiting.

To The Top!

eric tippets

7 Marketing Strategies That Work

What good is your idea if it isn’t directly in front of the people who will buy it? That is what marketing is all about. But some marketing strategies are costly… much too costly for us entrepreneurs.

  • A billboard – Around $10,000 for 4 weeks
  • A national television commercial – 30 seconds for $300,000+
  • You could possibly run a radio ad for $1,000 or so

Those marketing strategies do work, but you need high profit product to make the investment worth your time.

Most entrepreneurs just do not have that kind of marketing budget, so let me share 7 lower cost marketing strategies that do work.

Marketing Strategies #1: Press Release

The media can be your marketing friend at a low cost if done properly. A press release written that describes your why, and what problem you are solving can get into the hands of many journalists and displayed on a lot of media locations.

Costs for a press release are minimal. Unless you know how to write a quality press release yourself, I suggest contracting a freelance press release writer. (if you don’t know any, message me and I will share 1 with you).

There is some cost in a press release service that will get it in the hands of the journalists, but that is quite low too.

Marketing Strategies #2: Social Media

If you are not marketing on various social media channels, you are missing out on a lot of potential profits.

While you can advertise at a cost on social media, you can also market for free or for very little cost.


Create a Facebook fan page around you or your brand. Post educational material with a call to action of visiting your landing page.


Why not set up a free giveaway on Twitter? You will have Tweeters flocking to see what it is all about. What better way to get your product in front of many potential customers quickly.


You can set up a professional Linkedin page and even write educational posts on Linkedin Pulse. Again, have a call to action leading back to a sales page or your website/blog.


Pinterest is a great social site where you should show images of your product and link them back to the location a person can purchase.

Other Social Media Strategic Marketing

Don’t neglect the lesser known and used social media sites either. Sites such as:

  • Instagram
  • Flipboard
  • Digg
  • etc…

Can also provide a great marketing means to sell your products or services.

Marketing Strategies #3: Optimize

Maybe you have a fantastic website and blog. Maybe you are all over social media, but it seems that people are not finding you.

Your problem is probably SEO – Search Engine Optimization

Let’s just say that you developed a titanium wallet that will talk to you instead of having to open it. (wow, did I just come up with a great idea?)

So you have blog posts written about your wallet and a website that cost you $3,000 in development processes. But you are not getting many visitors from the search engines.

Let’s look at your keywords:

  • titanium wallet
  • metal wallet
  • talking wallet
  • wallets

While these keywords should all be left in place, you will want to have more that will be accessed:

  • bulletproof titanium money wallet
  • talking bulletproof wallet
  • theft and bullet safe wallet
  • etc…

Do you see my point? There are many experts in SEO that can help your website been seen by more people. The cost is normally minimal.

Marketing Strategies #4: Post Cards

While all the other entrepreneurs are email marketing, why not look back to the original mail system. No, you don’t have to buy a pony and start riding the Wild West, but creating postcards and buying stamps is a tremendous marketing strategy that does work.

So many people do not even open emails, but nearly everyone looks at the mail sent to them via the United States Postal Service.

You could put a picture of your product and a short reason why your product can help the person. Leave a method where they can purchase and watch the profits roll in.

Marketing Strategies #5: Hook Up With Other Entrepreneurs

Let’s stick with the titanium talking wallets. You know an entrepreneur who sells leather belts and handbags. Why not work together? You offer his goods and he shows your wallets. Everyone wins!

Marketing Strategies #6: Reviews and Testimonials

Find the reviewers who are well accepted. Send them a free product in exchange for an unbiased product review. Yes, you do chance a bad review, but that is a chance worth taking.

You can also ask customers for a testimonial and offer them a discount on their next purchase.

Marketing Strategies #7: Create YouTube Videos

A short and simple video about the strength of titanium with a little metal wallet talking to the viewers during the video is bound to gain huge attention… and sales.

These are just a few great marketing strategies that do work

Give them a try.

And come back and tell us the success it garnered.

Well, I need to go to the lab and work on my new wallet idea. I don’t see where there is one yet. If you want to pre-order, just leave a comment below.

While we are at it, you should check out the To The Top audiobook. You can get it here for only $14.99.

I hope this post gave you some top notch marketing ideas to get out and profit in huge ways.

Let me know what you think below.

To The Top!

Eric Tippetts

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