accept failure

Knocked Down But Not Knocked Out

5 Tips For Rebounding From Failure

Let me start by saying that if you have not had a failure as an entrepreneur, it either means you haven’t been an entrepreneur very long or you are not stepping outside your comfort zone. It is through failures that we grow and learn.

But I will be the first to admit failing does suck. And while we should embrace failure to learn and grow, there is no written, or unwritten rule that says we have to like failure.

Today, I am giving 5 tips for rebounding from failure.

Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” Winston Churchill

Rebounding From Failure Tip #1: Don’t Think End; Think Beginning

Wipe out the thought in your mind about this business or idea ending. Set you mind to the fact that you are beginning something new.

Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.” Henry Ford

Rebounding From Failure Tip #2: Go Ahead And Feel The Emotions

Do you need to cry?


How about scream?

Belt it out!

Break something?

A person I once knew would purchase cheap glass ashtrays just to get out the aggression. He would go outside, throw them against a tree breaking them and once his anger subsided, he cleaned up the glass and started fresh.

It is okay to feel emotion. Just be wise where you feel that emotion at. It is usually best when done in solitude. Deal with that emotion and then move forward.

“Failure isn’t fatal, but failure to change might be” John Wooden

Rebounding From Failure Tip #3: Be Accountable

Sure, maybe you contracted an accountant that put a decimal point in the wrong place.

Whose fault was that?

Or you hired a social media manager who pissed off a certain segment by using the wrong language.

Again I ask, whose fault was that?

The content you wrote for the newsletter was flagged as spam.

And the fault lies with?

Many people would answer the accountant, the social media manager and Google. But when we really consider it, the fault lies with you for all.

When we are able to be accountable for the errors we made, we can make the appropriate changes to fix them. If we play the “blame game,” we will never solve the problem.

“Success is measured by how high you bounce when you hit bottom” George Patton

Rebounding From Failure Tip #4: Have A Mental Debriefing

It is a term used often after military exercises, debriefing. The idea is to go through each of the steps to see what was done right, wrong or somewhere in the middle.

There are several questions you should ask yourself…

  • What did I do that worked?
  • And the opposite, what did I do that didn’t work?
  • What could I have done differently?
  • What did I miss or leave out?

This isn’t to “kick yourself,” but it is to learn so you can make the proper adjustments in your next project.

Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war.” Donald Trump

Rebounding From Failure Tip #5: Have Preventive Measures

This goes right along with the last tip; on your next system, set up preventive measures by using the lessons learned from the failure.

Let’s go back to #3… Have audits periodically to check the accountant’s figures. Make sure your social media manager is well trained and have checks on what is posted to ensure he/she is following protocol. And follow all proper procedures in developing content to make sure you are not getting a spam flag.

Remember, a great offense is nothing unless you have a fantastic defense.

Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.” Denis Waitley


There have been people in life who have failed so bad that they lost everything…. Everything!

But they dusted themselves off and earned it all back and more.

There are others who had a small failure and jumped out of 30 story windows. I don’t understand why.

Remember that a failure is just a stepping stone to success… It isn’t a pit to the depths.

I hope this helps you… Tell me in the comments area and if you need a little more, just pick up my book now in audio format, To The Top Here.


eric tippets

5 Ways To Win From Failures

Failures are inevitable. As a matter of fact, I would have to say that if a person doesn’t have failures, they are doing nothing. And the only way to find success is to fail your way there.

Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” Winston Churchill

Think about it… Growing up, how did you learn?

  • You tried to walk and failed, bumping your knees on the carpet.
  • And when that first bike ride became a skinned knee failure.
  • Or how about that failed shot in basketball that lost the game?

So we fail at times… Yes, everyone fails at times.

But failure can be a win.

I know it can because I have learned to win from failures. You can too! Here are 5 ways failures can take you to the top.

Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.” Og Mandino

Win From Failures #1: Understand The Odds

Let’s just say that you are going to the horse races. Sure, that horse has a cool name; let’s say it is Eric’s Treasure. Oh and how I have this feeling I should bet on him. But he is going at 78 to 1 odds. And the favored horse is Dianne’s DooDoo at 5 to 3 odds.

You know the odds… Go ahead and bet on Eric’s Treasure… Let’s put $50 to win on him… But, I’m going to cover that bet with $100 to win, $100 to place and $100 to show on Dianne’s DooDoo.

It works the same in business. The odds say that 1 out of every 10 businesses fail. So why not start 10 businesses?

Do you see my point?

Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fail.” Confucius

Win From Failures #2: Go Ahead And Feel The Emotions

Yea, failure sucks! It can make us angry, sad, depressed, etc… So don’t try to sugar-coat the emotions you feel after a failure. Go ahead and feel them. Deal with them. Yell, pout, scream or cry… And then get over it.

It’s like when you skinned your knee on that first bike ride. You cried a bit and then got back on.

It’s just like that!

I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Thomas A. Edison

Win From Failures #3: Learn And Make Changes

Just as Thomas Edison said in the quote above, you just found a way that doesn’t work. So learn from it and make the necessary changes and try again.

Just think… This is how most cures for diseases have been discovered… One way didn’t work so the scientists tried another way.

Most people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure.” Napoleon Hill

Win From Failures #4: Don’t Be Obsessed With The Failure

It will do you no good to ruminate over the failure. You failed and you learned, why keep playing it in your head like a horror movie?

I know that sometimes that statement is easier said than done, so I suggest you paint positive signs within the failure. Find everything positive that can come as a result of the failure. And don’t be afraid to laugh about the failure.

Remember what Napoleon Hill said in the quote above and just get over it.

I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.” Michael Jordan

Win From Failures #5: Watch Some Professional Sport’s Game

I quoted Michael Jordan above and he was one of the most successful basketball players of all time.

But, I remember a game he played in and Jordan had 2 free throws that would win the game. He failed!

And the great Jordan followed all what I said in the other tips above… He practiced night and day on free throws.

So you failed… Watch a professional sport game…

  • Baseball
  • Soccer
  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Etc…

I guarantee you will see some failures. But most pros know how to get on with it and learn from that failure.

And guess what?

You are a pro too!


Did this post help you? I hope so!

Tell you what… Let’s add to that help!

My book, To The Top will give you some simple steps on how to succeed financially. Because I failed several times to find the answers. And I will share them with you.

Get your copy of my book, To The Top by clicking here.

Now lets help you get your life and business moving…

To The Top!

eric tippets

Eric Tippetts

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