work life balance for entrepreneurs

Balance Is A Key To An Entrepreneur’s Success

I have heard some people claim that most entrepreneurs are imbalanced people. That they are similar to the person who will bet their life savings on one number in roulette with one spin of the wheel. I am here to tell you that thought pattern about entrepreneurs is a misnomer. Successful entrepreneurs have balance. Actually many entrepreneurs are more balanced than a high percentage of the human population who are not designated entrepreneurs.

Yes entrepreneurs take risks, but to have any success in life, a person must take risks. But the entrepreneur measures his/her risks. The entrepreneur balances the risks so they will profit even with loss.

Everything in moderation, and there’s a perfect balance in this life if we can find it.” Ryan Robbins

In today’s post, I am going to crawl into the areas entrepreneurs must find a balance. Because without the balance, they will struggle to find success.

I suggest you use all the various balances I list to do a check of your own entrepreneurial balance and make changes to get back on an even keel.

Entrepreneurs Must Balance Stress Levels

I actually believe this is an area that every human being needs to learn how to balance.

As entrepreneurs, we will never erase stress. As a matter of fact, we almost need to embrace stress as a part of the entrepreneur lifestyle. But there are certain items that we must let go of the stress that we have no control of the outcome.

  • Why worry about the meeting with investors tonight?
  • Is getting stressed about finding a manufacturer going to help you find one?

Stress will always be present, but how you allow that stress to effect you is what counts.

Entrepreneurs Must Balance Their Passion With Realism

Passion is the motor that drives the entrepreneur but that motor has to have a governor on it. That passion can not be allowed to fly at speeds that are uncontrollable.

You may have an idea that awoke you in the middle of the night; you put the idea together and develop the perfect product that will solve the problems of thousands upon thousands of people. But when you start delving into the costs to manufacture the product, there is no way to get it less than $9,000 per item.

In some cases, this may be a product that people would still purchase, but when you are provided the statistics that the largest percentage of people who need the problem solved are low income, the realist will know that until those manufacturing costs can be brought substantially lower, this passion must be put in a file for a later day.

Entrepreneurs Must Balance Delegation

Law professionals will say that the person who acts as their own lawyer in criminal cases has a fool for an attorney.

The same can be said about an entrepreneur who believes they can do everything on their own. I have yet to meet an entrepreneur who knows everything about business matters or has the time to handle every task required to maintain a business.

The entrepreneur needs to make a balance in the tasks that will be outsourced to freelancers, delegated to in-house employees and completed by the entrepreneur. The entrepreneur should only be performing tasks that are generating revenue.

Entrepreneurs Must Balance Specialization With General Knowledge

Let me just put this one in perspective: who would do better at owning a hardware store?

  • A man who has learned everything that possibly can be taught about nails and screws?
  • A woman who has a certificate in welding, a certificate in wood working and a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration?

While either of these people may find success at owning a hardware business, my wager would be on the woman.

General knowledge comes first with specialized training next.

Entrepreneurs Must Balance Email, Social Media And Work

And the balance must heavily favor work!

I can never say it enough… Schedule just certain moments when you check email and social media. Those two time wasters harm many entrepreneur’s business endeavors.

Now That Area I Don’t Believe Any Entrepreneur Will Master, But We Should Try… Work – Life Balance

I have yet to discover the entrepreneur who has harnessed a balance between work and life. But we should do our very best to attempt to discover a balance, or at least a semblance of one.

We need to find it for our loved ones.

So try to discover that balance and if you do find it, be sure and share it with us.

So, Are You Balanced?

I hope this post helps you take a close look at your inner self. I hope you can attain the balance you need for success.

And, I know you can if you recognize where imbalance lies and you make the changes needed to bring the balance to a proper level.

I want you to succeed and I want to give you a bonus resource to do so. For just the cost of shipping and handling, you can get secrets and tips that can help you have the success you deserve. It is called To The Top, and you can get your copy here.

Thank you for stopping in today and my all your entrepreneur journey be prosperous.

To The Top!

eric tippets

14 Signs That You Just May Be An Entrepreneur

Do you sometimes wonder if you should use the term entrepreneur as your title? Is there really an entrepreneur present? Could this just be a passing phase like:

  • Bell Bottoms
  • Purple Hair
  • or Flower Power?

Don’t doubt yourself!

Just look at these signs and determine if you truly are an entrepreneur…

#1 Entrepreneur Present Signs: Ideas Upon Ideas

If you have a difficult time sleeping at night because of the various ideas; if you just cannot stop talking about ideas; if ideas are flooding every part of your life…

You are probably an entrepreneur.

#2 Entrepreneur Present Signs: Action

I mentioned the ideas, but you don’t stop with the ideas. You take action on those ideas. Whether it succeeds or fails, you are action oriented.

Action = Entrepreneur

#3 Entrepreneur Present Signs: People

You understand that this is all about people. Even if you are introverted, you know you have to face and appeal to people. People are what will make your entrepreneur goals a reality.

Entrepreneurs are people people

#4 Entrepreneur Present Signs: The Future

You don’t pay attention to horoscopes and other future predictors. You are in the business of creating the future because you know you can.

Entrepreneurs have created our future and will continue to do so

#5 Entrepreneur Present Signs: The Unknown

Fear does not control you, you control fear. You embrace the unknown. There is uncertainty around every corner, but it does not effect you.

This is a sign of a true entrepreneur

#6 Entrepreneur Present Signs: MacGyver

If you just could not miss an episode of the television series MacGyver, you have the heart of an entrepreneur. You probably even have said “I thought of that before MacGyver did.”

Entrepreneurs are crafty

#7 Entrepreneur Present Signs: Planning

If every night, you make a plan for the following day; if you plan your week, your month and your year, you have the makings of an entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurs understand that failing to plan is planning to fail

#8 Entrepreneur Present Signs: Work – Life Balance

If you have no work – life balance… If you wake the kids up at midnight to say “Let’s go camping” (on a Tuesday). If you start work at 4 am on Sunday and stop at 3 pm Monday, take a 22 hour siesta and start again, you are living the life of an entrepreneur.

But do try to let the kids sleep normally and when making those #7 plans, put family time in there.

Entrepreneurs are terrible at maintaining any type of work – life balance

#9 Entrepreneur Present Signs: Selling

Will your gravestone read: He Sold Ice Cubes To An Eskimo or She Sold Charcoal To Satan?

The only way to generate revenue is to sell. You have read every technique on selling and you find yourself watching infomercials telling the television how they could sell the product better.

Entrepreneurs are experts at selling

#10 Entrepreneur Present Signs: Trouble

Do you seem to get into trouble from time to time?

  • Talking on the phone while driving?
  • Pushing the do-not-call list in the trash can?
  • Etc…

I was taught that it is much easier, and more profitable to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.

Disclaimer: Entrepreneur, I am not telling you it is okay to break laws or rules

#11 Entrepreneur Present Signs: You Are Considered Odd

Do people sometimes say you are slightly different? Are you the odd person in the group? Just consider some of the greatest entrepreneurs in history, they were different. It is odd people that create the greatest items.

Einstein was an odd kind of fellow

#12 Entrepreneur Present Signs: Problem Solving

Do you love solving problems? Be it a small problem or a large problem…

Entrepreneurs create to solve problems

#13 Entrepreneur Present Signs: Procrastination

You have no idea what the word procrastination means. If you could, if something needs to be done and was just discovered, you would go back in time to do it quicker.

Entrepreneurs do not put something off if it can be completed now or yesterday

#14 Entrepreneur Present Signs: Humble

You won’t admit it because you are just too humble to admit you are humble.

If your entrepreneur competitor needs help, you will be there to help them and not in a devious way. You truly want them to succeed too even if their product is in direct competition with your product.

Success comes to those who dedicate everything to their passion in life. To be successful, it is also very important to be humble and never let fame or money travel to your head.” A.R. Rahman

Entrepreneur Signs Conclusion

I had so much fun writing today’s post… I just cannot end it with a simple “See Ya!”

I want to offer you something every entrepreneur can use. I developed this 7 Days To Profitability Training Course and it can be yours for free. Just go here and enter your name and email.

Yes, you are an entrepreneur if any or all of these signs reflect you.

Will you share this with all other potential entrepreneurs in your social friends list? Please?

Thank you and may all your entrepreneur wishes come true!

To The Top!

Eric Tippetts

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