network marketing

How to Win Friends and Influence People. Very Simple!

“The word listen contains the same letters as the word silent.” –Alfred Brendel

We Have 2 Ears and 1 Mouth for a Reason.

Talk Less. Listen More!

Amazing how interesting people are when you stop the chatter in your head and truly engage with another person.

Find the “Beautiful” in every person. Including Yourself!

How to Get People to Listen to You in Network Marketing

Do you ever feel like you can’t get your point across to others, either personally or professionally?  Communication is one of the most powerful skills you can master.  I wanted to touch on this today to help you become a master at communicating with others.

How do you get people to listen to you in Network Marketing: You can’t get another person to listen. They have to choose to listen.

There is a long and short answer here.  The longer answer starts with the short answer and then amplifies it a bit. You can’t get another person to listen. You can behave in ways that invites them to listen so that they choose to listen.

In many cases, the reason that people don’t listen is that they don’t feel heard and understood. Their basic and fundamental need to be understood is not met, and they continue talking (in some cases they withdraw) until they feel that you have understood them.

The general idea to remember in the context of this blog is this:

Until a person feels heard and understood, they find it difficult to hear and understand.

Unmet or unfulfilled needs create an internal, emotional pressure in people. This internal pressure causes people to focus on relieving the pressure by finding a way to fulfill their personal need. While they are focused on getting their need(s) fulfilled, they often cannot stop to focus on the needs of others. In order to listen, they have to stop long enough to focus – at least briefly – on the needs of others.

The fastest, most reliable way to help another person slow down enough to listen is to slow down enough to listen. In other words, you need to give to them what you want to receive in return.


When you have listened to them fully, you can then ask permission to share information with them. By asking permission to share information with them, you invite them into the conversation and you improve the likelihood that they will actually listen to what you have to say.

The communication flow could go something like this…

  • Listen fully and completely to their concerns and frustrations.
  • Show them that you understand by repeating back their concern. Ask them if you have understood correctly.
  • Ask them if you can share additional information with them.

While no communication technique will work with every person in every situation, this general strategy will work with many people in many situations.

My #1 tip  I tell my clients – “Enjoy Others” and they will Enjoy You!  Focus on them like a tractor beam and notice how in tune they are with you.  Come from a place of love, encouragement, and honesty.

So much love,


Eric Tippetts

The Most Expensive Mistake You Can Make In Network Marketing

The Most Expensive Mistake You Can Make In Network Marketing

Hey, You!

You are perfect for my business. You are a perfect customer. You need exactly what I have and you need to buy that right now.


I’m going to talk today about something that is going to relieve so much stress, save you millions of dollars and help you in building, recruiting, sponsoring, growing whatever business you might have.

So when I started as a young man, 19 years old with my first business, I really had no sales training, no experience. My dad just said, “Hey, I got this concept. Let’s partner up and you go sell and I will deliver the backend.”

So we were selling a high level voice recognition kind of virtual assistant system. Really exactly what Siri is now I was doing 24 years ago. I just didn’t have the funds to go at such a massive scale.

But I literally just thought, “You know what? This is perfect for everyone. This is so beautiful. Everybody is going to want this.” So I just opened up the Orange County Business Journal and I just started calling everyone and I thought, “Everybody needs this. Man, I’m just going to go after everyone,” and I got to tell you, getting a lesson in cold calling, and you want to talk numbers, of giving up. I literally every day must have made 300 phone calls and would get 300 no’s pretty much every time.

So it gets frustrating but my dad said, “Just work the process. Keep going. We are going to figure this out,” and we’re going to get really good at finding out who was our right target.

So that’s when it hit me. Wait a second. The right target. Explain that further. What exactly do you mean?

He said, “Eric, I really just wanted you to start making phone calls to start understanding what we do, number one. But number two, just getting people coming back at you and trying to figure out what they were saying and being able to understand what their challenges were or if you even have the right fit.”

So once I realized that, hey, maybe not everyone is my target. So why do I keep calling all these people that are probably not a right fit for my business? So when I started this blog saying, “Hey, you’re the right customer. You want what I have to sell,” that’s almost like what – I watch so many people struggle in their business and go and try to approach the wrong person or try to recruit the wrong person into their business.

Your business isn’t for everyone. You got to look at it this way – you don’t want everyone. You would be overwhelmed. You would be stressed out. I mean a fulltime 18-hour a day job just trying to manage all these people. So it really is finding the right people. People YOU want to work with.  People that make you happy.

So when I talk about I will save you millions of dollars, huge amounts of stress/burnout and stress on the family, I mean literally in the beginning, I remember my Dad was all about positively outrageous service (POS). So he never believed in webinars.

So he was getting on a plane, going to  shake hands with people.

Free report ad 250 x 250

Here is one story I remember vividly…I’m in Southern California. There’s a client or a prospect in New York and I was asking them a few questions but didn’t even ask enough questions to get to know them.

I flew all the way to New York and met with them and within about two minutes, he said, “We’re not a right fit for you.” OK. I had flown a 6 hour flight, the time, the investment mentally, the money, the resources to prepare for meeting, plus just what it did to me psychologically.

I was so bummed out that on that flight home I started to realize I can’t just do this anymore and go out and try to sell everyone. I need to find out who is my perfect avatar.

Who’s my perfect perfect customer?

What exactly do they look like?

How old are they?

Are they married?

What do they like to do?

What’s their interest?

What you start to find are you really just are trying to find people like you because you like to do things together. You like to build together. You have the same philosophy. You enjoy them and you enjoy the time that you’re spending with them.

If you’re building teams and you’re doing things and just trying to recruit everyone, you’re going to find there are a lot of people you don’t even really like. So why do I want to sit here and spend so much time and effort on them when typically they’re the squeakiest wheel?

They’re always at me where there’s tension but yet I keep trying to push that rock up the hill.

I started to think like a professional.  I started to act like a professional and believing in me and my worth.  I started to “interview” my clients to make sure they were a right fit for me.  I completed changed the model upside down from what I knew.

This is when everything changed for me and our business.  We started acting like the expert….and became the expert.Rocket Recruiting version 2.0

Go find your perfect avatar, your perfect customer, your perfect team member, your perfect prospect. Right now I’m in the midst of launching my new Rocket Recruiting Version 2. So same thing. I sat down before going to partners and saying, “What’s our dream 100?” meaning who are our dream 100 affiliates that we want to go after, that we want to go and just do positively outrageous service with and promotions and support for them because these are our perfect avatar, our perfect affiliate we want to work with.

So we’ve identified those. We’ve identified what they like, what they bring to the table. How can we connect with them but also how can we add value to them?

So it isn’t about, “Hey, how can I just go get them to do something?” For me, how can we add value to their life, to their professional life, to their personal life and enhance their day to day experience with their business, with their personal, their life, whatever it might be.

In Conclusion:

I strongly caution you to just start recruiting everyone. Now there are trainers that tell you to do that. Like hey, the three-foot rule, just anybody three-foot – you’re closing everybody. You’re pushing in on everybody. But if you start to – if you really sit down and say, “Who’s my perfect person?” you will be very aware of who you’re approaching and you will feel a lot more confident because you know that this is a right fit.

You know what their needs, desires, and wants are. You know – maybe it might be hey, married, woman, age 46, loves fitness, loves travel, loves ???? – has four kids.

You start to notice, OK, these are the types of people that I really connect with. So I’m going to start going after more of them. Who do I know that’s in that target market? Then I can really put resources and time and effort towards it and supporting because typically, those types of people hang out with those types of people. Once you connect with one, they open up the doors to connect with many.

Have an amazing day! If you like this video blog, “The Most Expensive Mistake You Can Make In Network Marketing” please comment below. Share.

Many more videos to come.

Look out for my new Rocket Recruiting Version 2. We’ve already pre-launched but it’s going to be to the public here in about two weeks.

To The Top!



P.S.  For a FREE Copy of my book ” To The Top” – Simple Everyday Steps to Succeed Financially”.  Click Here:

Only 3 Emotions that Cause People To Buy. Tap the Right One, You Win!

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There are only 3 “triggers” that will cause someone to buy:

1. Pain

2. Gain

3. Fear

The key is tapping into one or more of these key “emotions” or “triggers”. If you don’t…no one is taking any action.

The challenge is 97% of the Network Marketing always try to “sell” on the gain emotion. Money, Dreams, Cars, recognition, etc…
This is the LEAST motivating for the long term…let me explain. I can get someone excited to buy as I have them in an emotional state of all the wonderful things they are going to get by joining my business…but as we all know, it takes time to build a business and what emotion kicks in when they get their first “no”?

Fear…right? “oh, my gosh this is going to be harder than I thought”….Wow, can I really succeed?…What if I fail?…Did I make the right decisions?….Can I get my money back?…etc….

Just remember this one simple fact: “People Buy Emotionally, BUT, They Justify Factually”. Meaning, unless it makes me money or provides some kind of return that is tangible, people will go into a fear state of mind and cancel…that is why the Network Marketing profession is a revolving door for many companies because they focus so much on the product and giving a new Distributor “sales material” and “product” and say “great job…now go out and build your business” but not giving the new distributor any tools to run, oh yeah, the BUSINESS….THIS IS A BUSINESS, IF YOU RUN IT LIKE A BUSINESS, IT WILL PAY YOU LIKE A BUSINESS…unless you are just a consumer of the product.

That is why I teach, Fear is a much greater motivator….go create some! One of the biggest fears is losing my MONEY!

So, if I can show you that everyday you go work your 9-5 job and lose approx. $300-$500/month in taxes by not having a home business….I have now shifted the power from the buyer to me, the seller. Everyone will want to know how to KEEP $300-$500/month immediately but you will always hit the “money obstacle” when you ask them to SPEND $300-500 to join your business.

Most people are not sales reps, networkers, outgoing….you need to quickly show them how to stop selling and start helping others get a raise in their 9-5 job by joining your business…this gives them a way to be profitable month 1 and keep them in the business long enough to learn the ropes, comp plan, and talking product with others. Remember, Network Marketing/Direct Sales is a profession of duplication and unless you can give your team a “non-threatening” and without any reputational risk to introduce to their network, you will find yourself constantly pumping up the balloon that keeps deflating!

If you are interested in learning more ways to flip the “typical” recruiting methods upside down. Connect up with me on Facebook, Twitter, or visit my site,

Good luck!


How to Design the Life You LOVE…..Using Feng Shui [chart included]

How to Design the Life You LOVE…..Using Feng Shui!

I had the opportunity last week to spend time with a Feng Shui Master.

 Feng Shui?  Is that a new Dog Whisperer?  Lol!  Let me explain:

feng shui
ˈfəNG ˈSHwē,-SHwā/
noun: feng shui; noun: fengshui
  1. 1.
    (in Chinese thought) a system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of energy (qi), and whose favorable or unfavorable effects are taken into account when siting and designing buildings.

Feng Shui helps a person understand the flow of energy running through objects, ie. your home/office.

Everything around us is made up of “energy” or “vibrations”.
Did you realize that when a person dies, their physical body loses 21 grams.
Many Scientists believe this is a persons “energy” or “soul” (read more).
What holds most people back is their thoughts/beliefs that create positive or negative energy.
This energy then pushes them forward or pulls them back.  Ever wondered why some people are so “lucky”?
Typically it is their energy that is attracting this “luck” to them.  This is a good explanation of luck as it shows that most “lucky” people have prepared for this lucky event.  But, typically it is because of preparation that a persons confidence or energy attracts an opportunity.

 Preparation + Opportunity = Luck

I think many “un-lucky” people would like to blame their discontent on bad luck or circumstances they are in.  The quickest way to become lucky is by working on your relationship with yourself and investing in yourself.  What you will quickly find is that positive outcomes and events start to manifest themselves.


It’s because your energy and attraction pulls these positive outcomes towards you.  I have never met a person that works hard at evolving, growing, training, learning and doesn’t have breakthroughs constantly.  They attract it!

Now, second….when talking about Feng Shui, we are talking about objects surrounding you and what energy do they provide you?

This is a great chart that helps give a simple way to break down your environments (I give the example of your desk as most of my clients ask me to help them attract more abundance in their work environment).

This is SO powerful!  Use this chart – You will find a much more peaceful, empowering, and inspiring flow of energy!

feng-shui-desk-bagua Eric Tippetts

As you can see the chair at the bottom of the chart is where you would be sitting and facing your desk.  The key to Feng Shui is getting rid of clutter that’s blocking the flow of energy.

Clutter can be the quickest way to kill Feng Shui and the energy you are wanting to create.  You want to put things on your desk that represent each of these different environments while giving a positive feeling/emotion when you look at them.

3 Feng Shui Money & Wealth Tips


Use Water Cures for Abundance

Water is an ancient symbol of abundance in all cultures, not only in feng shui. Use feng shui fountains – a powerful feng shui cure to attract wealth and fresh Chi. If a fountain will not work in your space or you are just not comfortable with the idea, you can use images of flowing water such as waterfalls, rivers, etc. Any water image is an excellent feng shui for wealth energizer, just be sure the water is clear and moving. So, images of a fast flowing river or a waterfall, for example, are better feng shui for wealth cures than the images of a quiet lake or a pond.

You can also express the Water feng shui element by using the Water feng shui element colors – blue and black – as well as by decorating with mirrors, as mirrors are the perfect expression of this element.


Take Good Care of Your Money Area

No matter which feng shui bagua school you want to work with; focus your efforts on your money area and take good care of its energy. This means the overall decor in your money area has the appropriate feng shui colors, items, shapes and images, all expressing the Wood and the Water feng shui elements. A bit of Fire feng shui element decor is always good and serves as an energizing factor.

Once you define your feng shui money area, you might be upset to find out that your money area is in a challenging area such as the bathroom, for example, or in the garage, closet or laundry room. Rest assured that you can always make the best of it, and I have plenty of resources to help you out with good feng shui decor for your money area.


Bring Wealth Feng Shui Cures

Decorate your home and office with specific feng shui wealth cures that appeal to your taste and style. There is a variety of feng shui money cures – from traditional to modern – so take your time and bring into your space only the wealth cures that really speak to you of abundance and wealth. No matter what you choose – an aquarium for wealth or the Laughing Buddha, be sure you choose wisely.

While some traditional Chinese feng shui money cures such as the three legged toad, the Dragon Turtle, the Gem Tree or the Lucky Cat might not appeal to your taste (I know I do not use them!); there are still plenty of popular and powerful feng shui for wealth cures that you might like. Look into the Lucky Bamboo, the Wealth Ship or the Money Tree, to name just a few, and see if your money area can benefit from their energy.

I wrote this blog on Feng Shui and giving presence to the energy you are creating daily because so many people are stuck in their 9-5 job or Network Marketing, relationships, love, and more.  They don’t feel creative and excited each day and miss so many incredible opportunities, relationships, and more.

Stop for a minute and just relax.  Look at your desk, your office, your home…
How do they make you feel?  Inspired or Expired?  Passionate or tired?

These changes in your environment will help you design the life you want, desire, deserve instead of having a life by default.

If you enjoyed this blog, please share and comment.  I appreciate the feedback and look forward to connecting with you!

You create your own reality!  Make it Amazing!

So Much Love,

Eric Tippetts to the top

Eric Tippetts, Author of To The Top Book

If you would like to learn more on the mindset of a successful Entrepreneur’s from around the world, get a copy of my new book – “To The Top – Simple Everyday Steps to Succeed Financially”.

Eric Tippetts

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